Roadworthy/ Safety Certificate Inspection.
A Roadworthy/ Safety Certificate Inspection is carried out on a vehicle before it is put up for sale.
If the vehicle fails the inspection the vehicle must be returned, with repairs done, within 14 days of the original inspection's report date.
Repairs on a vehicle can either be carried out by a mechanic at the inspection station you have taken your vehicle to or by an alternative repairer.
When a vehicle is put up for sale the Roadworthy/ Safety Certificate label should be clearly displayed in any window of the vehicle. The certificate itself is valid for 2 months or 2000km, whichever comes first.
Roadworthy/ Safety Certificates can only be used once for a sale/ transfer of a vehicle. Once they expire a new inspection will have to be done on the vehicle and a new certificate issued.
Transferring a Vehicle to Another Party.
When selling a vehicle to another person a Vehicle Registration Transfer Application form needs to be filled out. You can obtain this form from your local Department of Transport and Main Roads or their website below. Alternatively ask the inspection station if they have any forms available.
When purchasing a vehicle it is advisable to do a P.P.S.R (Personal Properties Security Register) search at the Australian Government website below and have a pre-purchase inspection done for peace of mind.